Adding video backgrounds with jekyll front-matter

Written by Kevin Hougasian

Most of our web properties run on jekyll,,, and more slated for the coming year.

The RIMdev blog lets up both document and play with what may, or may not, work.

What about Video headers?

Glad you asked! We currently check the post front matter and, if image: is listed, serve accordingly.

{% raw %}

{% if page.image %}
  {% assign postImage = page.image %}
{% elsif post.image %}
  {% assign postImage = post.image %}
{% else %}
  {% assign postImage = site.default_image %}
{% endif %}

{% endraw%}

{: } Why page AND post? Our main page is assigned as a post.

HTML5 video and fallback

Let’s load the video in our front matter, and handle fallback and poster image in the post in our include. We’re only dealing with .mp4 and .webm here. Video conversion? Cloud convert does a decent job for now. So now we have:

layout: post
video: /video/clouds_over_the_mountain

We could have used a collection and repeated our 3 formats with the same name, but a single entry with now extention makes more sense while listing the path.

Now we’re checking for and image or video:

{% raw %}

{% if page.image %}
  {% assign postImage = page.image %}
{% elsif post.image %}
  {% assign postImage = post.image %}
{% else %}
  {% if %}
    {% assign postVideo = %}
  {% elsif %}
    {% assign postVideo = %}
  {% else %}
    {% assign postImage = site.default_image %}
  {% endif %}
{% endif %}

<video class="background"
	poster="{{ postVideo }}.png">
<source src="{{ postVideo }}.mp4" type="video/mp4">
<source src="{{ postVideo }}.webm" type="video/webm">

{% endraw %}

What options do I have?

The HTML5 Video Events and API page is a good place to start. You can see everything the API exposes and what may suite your needs. Check out this link for more on the element itself and attribute definitions.

Setting as background

Now we have to emulate background-position: cover; and we’re done.

  video.background {
    position: absolute;
    top: 50%;
    left: 50%;
    min-width: 100%;
    min-height: 100%;
    width: auto;
    height: auto;
    z-index: -100;
    transform: translate(-50%, -50%);


Enjoy adding video to your jekyll project. Video content in this post is from the good folks at DISTILL.

Published November 10, 2016 by

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Kevin Hougasian Lead Frontend Developer

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