Ordering of static fields in C# matters

Written by Bill Boga

I never thought ordering of relational static fields and properties in C# mattered. And, then, I started getting NREs on a property I know was set to a static-instance…

The setup

public static void Main()
    Console.WriteLine(Person.Empty == null); // prints 'True'

public class Person
    public static readonly Person Empty = empty;

    private static readonly EmptyPerson empty = new EmptyPerson();

public sealed class EmptyPerson : Person { }

If you were to step-through the code, the first-time Person.Empty is called, empty is null and gets returned as-is. Then, empty is initialized. But, it’s too late since Empty is static and will only get “initialized” once. But, if we swap the ordering…

public class Person
    private static readonly EmptyPerson empty = new EmptyPerson();

    public static readonly Person Empty = empty;

Now, empty is an instance of EmptyPerson when Empty is called and everything is good.


The problem above is only a problem for static fields/properties. If either were to be an expression-member, then ordering doesn’t matter:

public class Person
    public static readonly Person Empty => empty;

    private static readonly EmptyPerson empty = new EmptyPerson();

// This variation also works...
public class Person
    public static readonly Person Empty = empty;

    private static readonly EmptyPerson empty => new EmptyPerson();

Then, there’s the obvious…

public class Person
    public static readonly Person Empty = new EmptyPerson();

But, I opted to use the private member in several other spots within my code…

But, don’t do this!

Just as a final warning, don’t do this because while you have a getter-only (i.e. readonly), you’ll also create a new instance of EmptyPerson every time Empty is called. 🤯

public class Person
    // Don't do this!
    public static Person Empty => new EmptyPerson();

Published October 09, 2019 by

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Bill Boga Lead Application Developer

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