How To Make Golden Fried Rice

Written by Cheng Yang

Egg Fried Rice is a homey dish in China. In this post, I am going to show you my method to make this simple, quick, and delicious dish. Every Chinese family makes their fried rice differently, so after following my recipe, you can experiment and add whatever you want to your version.


  • 400g cooked rice (For two) - I use Nishiki Medium Grain Rice
  • soybean oil, vegetable oil, or peanut oil
  • 3 eggs
  • half onion (Chopped)
  • 80 gram luncheon meat / any other meats
  • corns and green peas
  • 1/2 tbp salt
  • 1/2 tbp sugar
  • 3/4 tbp white pepper powder
  • 4 Thai Pepper (Only if you like spicy)
  • scallion for garnish (Chopped)

Tips & Tricks:

  • To make the best egg fried rice, I suggest you use leftover rice, but you could make a batch of fresh rice, but make sure to refrigerate it for at least 2 hours. Refrigerating will help dry the grains, lower the starchiness, and give your fried rice a firmer texture.


  • Chop all the ingredients into small pieces.
  • In a frying pan, heat oil on medium heat. Saute the onion and the optional Thai Pepper until they start to soften, approximately 2-3 minutes. Next, add the luncheon meat, corns and green peas, saute them for another 3 minutes. Once done, Put them in a separate dish. We will use them later.
  • Put cooked rice into a mixing bowl, add eggs one by one and mix until well coated, make sure all the rice grain are separate.
  • In a frying pan, heat oil until you see whisps of smoke coming from your oil. Add the rice, saute it until the egg is cooked, approximately 3 to 5 minutes.
  • Add all the ingredients into the pan, season with salt, sugar, and white pepper. Mix well with all the ingredients, and you can add more salt and pepper to adjust seasoning, approximately 6 minutes
  • Finally, serve on a plate and garnish with sliced green scallion. If you want to have a nice plate presentation, You can mould the rice by firmly pressing it into a small bowl, and then put it onto a dish upside down.

Bottom Line:

First we eat, then we do everything else.

Published December 03, 2018 by

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Cheng Yang Software Developer

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